Sunday 26 February 2012

Mellvellon send expedition west

The High Elves of Mellvellon made a bold move in 513, establishing the colony of Sein Thoron on the coast adjacent to both the Dark Elf Dominion and the Dwarf Empire. The colonists moved west from Barad Aureil, moving through the edges of the Kallroen Empire. Such was their skill only once did they encounter Domovoi raiders, and these were easily defeated by a scouting party.

After reaching the coast the founding was done in incredible secrecy, with mages from Sein Craban shrouding the colonists and craftsmen in shadows. Still that level of work could not come without some attention and setbacks. To the north was the Ogre Kingdom, and a wandering scavenger tribe blundered close to the new Elven town as it was being built. The elves rushed to distract the Ogres, and whilst the Mellvellon scouts were crushed and devoured Sein Thoron itself remained undiscovered.

By winter the colony was established and the elves were funnelling in troops in low numbers. It was only a matter of time before the Dark Elves of Khaldeith noticed the movement on their borders. A corsair raiding party travelled along the coast and met a Mellvellon defence force in the marshy inlets of the coast. The forces of Sein Thoron quickly saw off the attackers but it was clear the colony had been discovered.

Whilst the colony sent word to Sein Craban for further aid, they despatched some of their own men to skirt the Dominion and reach the Holy Sigmarite Empire. The Elves were intent on finding out the secrets of House Volbeck and confirming the rumours of dark sorcery. The truth was revealed in early 514, as they glimpsed necromantic magic raising the dead from an old battlefield. The elves were furious and smashed through the unliving warriors and their master. But attempts to talk to the Empress about the cancer that lurked at the heart of the HSE were rebuffed.

Back in Sein Thoron military aid had arrived in the form of red-skinned ogres, and not a moment to soon. Expecting a coastal attack from the Dominion, the elves were surprised instead when a host of daemons materialised within the colony. The ogres eagerly charged to meet them in battle but found themselves overwhelmed and cut down by the great daemon of Nurgle that towered over the battlefield.

The defence of Sein Thoron was crushed and the elves braced themselves, desperately building their defences. But just as soon as they had appeared the daemons vanished back to the warp. The daemons' summoners had asked only one battle of the host and now the daemons were sated. The elves of Sein Thoron breathed a sigh of relief, but they were now in a tenuous position. To the west and north were Dark Elves and ogre tribes, to the east was the dwarven hold of karak Izor, and they were making enemies of the HSE. Surrounded and without allies, could the colony survive?

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