Sunday 27 February 2011

Wood Elves defend realm

Despite the losses the Ogres of Cuitlaxaochitzin had sustained in their campaign in Canabrin in 276PC, the largest battle between the Ogres and the Chaos Warriors of Hovedstaden had actually resulted in a decisive victory for the Ogres. This event should have been hailed in the annuls of history but history barely even found out, because of the wood elves...

While smaller bands of mercenary Ogres were being hunted down by the forces of chaos across Canabrin, their largest army crushed the best Lord Tragean had to throw against them and for the next few years lived well in their encampment between the Kaalroen Empire and the forests of Arnar. Part of the Kaalroen Empire had effectively become an Ogre Kingdom, but before long the Ogres of Graag decided to return home. Unfortunately they could not resist the tales of plunder to be had - probably fed to them by an agent of Tragean - deep in the forests of Arnar.

So in 280PC the victorious Ogre army marched off to war. One more looting expedition before taking the long road back to Cuitlaxaochitzin. None would ever return. As soon as the Ogres trespassed into the forest the Wood Elves were aware of them. As they had done in ages past they allowed the Ogres to penetrate deep into the heavily wooded terrain, harassing them with constant ambushes and generally weakening their force and resolve.

Then the lords of Calminaion decided the time had come and the forest awoke to the call of the elves. Treemen, dryads and wood elves assaulted the Ogre army, massacring them all. Trespassing in the forests of Arnar would not be tolerated.

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