Sunday 20 February 2011

Dominion brushes aside chaotic challenge

By 268PC the Dark Elf Dominion was sending more and more armies north during the summer months for "hunting". For the elves this meant debauched and cruel raiding parties hunting beastmen and human alike. The nobles would chase beast and man alike through the forests of Canabrin for their amusement, while vast slaver caravans took entire human villages to the west of the Kaalroen Empire back to the Dominion to work in their domain. Soon the Dark Elves had all but depopulated the mountains of Mourn and began extending their operations east, into Hjemland.

This the lords of the Kaalroen Empire could not tolerate. refugees from villages along the White Cenebrae poured into Hovedstaden where they misguidedly believed they would find succour. Hundreds were massacred by the angry and intolerant population of the chaos capital before finally, to restore order, Tragean sent out an army to deal with the dark elf menace.

Perhaps the warriors of Hovedstaden had been idle too long and grown weak and unused to warfare. Perhaps the Gods were angry with the Kaalroens for their long period of inactivity, but whatever the reason the chaos army was shattered in spectacular fashion by the Dominion armies sent with the caravans to protect their slaving enterprise. Lord Traegan was not toppled, but his army crushed, the western marches of Hjemland were similarly ravaged by the Dark Elf raiders for more than a decade, and the lords of the Dominion found their best sport yet.

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