Thursday 27 January 2011

Skaven Warpstone campaigns continue

The Skaven had still not located a reliable source of warpstone on Palurin. Typhus knew that if he couldn't ensure a supply then Skaven industry would grind to a halt. It would only be a matter of time before a rebellion unseated him. Determined that he wouldn't show his enemies a hint of weakness he continued to dispatch expeditions across Palurin.

So far the most profitable warpstone deposits had all been found in the Kaalroen Empire, but it was an expedition to the Cloudy Mountains which struck lucky. In the snow covered peaks around Snowcap Mountain Clan Eshin infiltrators found a desolate valley where no snow lay or life survived. Plumes of greenish steam erupted from cracks in the earth – a sure sign of warpstone! Typhus quickly capitalised on the find, rushing forces north on a fleet of balloon ships the exploit the deposit. A mining complex was quickly established but it was soon found by the local Orc tribes who made themselves a nuisance with repeated raids. Aware of the importance of the warpstone to his continued rule Typhus himself travelled north to conduct an inspection of the facility and crush all who dared interfere with his divinely inspired masterplan!

After suitably awing the miners to greater efforts Typhus lead forth his forces to meet the Orcs in open battle. The primitive savages proved a poor match for the might of the Skaven master race and were routed from the field, their warlord and the remainder of his bodyguard being some of the few to escape. The fighting had cost the Skaven too, however, and Typhus himself suffered the indignity of having his tail trapped beneath a rock lobber's boulder. After his minions had rolled the rock off the angrily squeaking Grey Seer, Typhus made sure to have them killed so that none could report his humiliation.

The Skaven strip mining continued apace until all the warpstone had been extracted. Further expeditions came back empty handed and one force sent into the Kaalroen Empire vanished entirely, butchered by the fierce inhabitants of the Domain of Beasts. Still, Typhus' position had been secured for the time being.

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